Jovanka Popova’s presentation at XLVII AICA International Congress South Korea

External activity | Jovanka Popova's presentation XLVII AICA International Congress South Korea „Art Ctiticism in a Labyrinth”| National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul | 8 – 16 October, 2014


What is the role of art criticism in a global environment? What new approaches can we suggest? And what methodologies do we need to develop, to deal with the diversities of expression and the complexities of the contemporary art world?

 We believe it is necessary to look again at crucial issues, such as the relationship between the art critic and curator, the art market and art institutions, the audience and the artist, and art and society. All these factors are interdependent and have totally transformed the conditions for making and exhibiting art, and for communicating it to a public. Art criticism’s crisis of identity and difficulty with value judgment affects the way that we have come to think about its role and function. We need to review some of the artistic, economic, social and technological factors that have contributed to this condition.

The Greek metaphor of the labyrinth might serve as a basis for our critical debates, and we hope that the forthcoming Congress, KOREA 2014, will provide us with some of the clues that we shall need to find a way forward.

The theme of AICA Congress Korea 2014 is composed of three sub-themes:

1 – Art and art criticism in a divided society

2 – Critical writings in the era of social networking

3 – Discourses on contemporary Asian art