How to make a festival with 100 and 1milion Euros – performance/game conceived by Ivana Vaseva and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

External activities| Ivana Vaseva and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski| How to make a festival with 100 and 1milion Euros – performance/game| Youth Cultural Centre, Skopje| 30 October, 2014
The idea of this game emerged from the text The Festival as a “Microphysics of Power” (Foucault) in the Region of the former Yugoslavia by Ivana Vaseva, Elena Veljanovska and Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, made in the frames of by working group Terms (Skopje) as part of the project Deschooling Classroom in 2012. In this text, the change/ transformation of the notion, the structure, and the meaning of festivals is overviewed as well as the contemporary understanding of it in the context of the independent countries that once were part of a big federation.
Vaseva and Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski develop the idea of the game that would provoke the discussion(s): under which economical situation we can produce new frames of festivals, how content and aesthetics are effected through economics and politics; can we sustain the ideas of
reformulation of festivals in socio-cultural and political context in constant under construction?
Participants in the performans/ game: Labina Mitevska, Slavco Dimitrov, Elena Veljanovska, Jasmina Zaloznik, Milka Ivanovska, Magda Lipska, Ivana Ivkovic.