Wolfgang Obermair: Artist talk and conversation

Wolfgang Obermair: Artist talk and conversation | organized by press to exit project space | GEM Klub, Skopje | 14 September, 2016., 19.00 – 21.00h

press to exit project space is pleased to invite you to the presentation and open talk of Wolfgang Obermair, artist in residency at press to exit project space as part of the exchange program WEST BALKAN CALLING.

Visual artist Wolfgang Obermair will give an insight into a field of activities he was engaged in the recent years. The focus will be on collaborative projects and other art related activities, that he sees as a way to develop a subjective practise towards a discursive situation between artists and the public. Obermair is interested in independent structures especially, if they enforce an alternative for the art itself. Part of the talk will be a performative exercise he developed in a collaboration with the Czech artist Jakub Vrba within the residency.

Wolfgang Obermair is an artist and curator in the field of art and architecture based in Vienna, Austria. He studied geography, painting and media art in Dresden, Nuremberg and Karlsruhe and worked as lecturer and assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and the Viennese Art School. Currently he teaches at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in the department for Transmedial Art. Obermair´s work was shown in various cities including Moscow, Beijing, Porto, Zagreb, Vienna. Moreover he has been curating exhibitions for the Nuremberg art association kunstbunker – forum für zeitgenössische kunst (www.kunstbunker-nuernberg.org,www.kunstbunker-nuernberg.org). Since 2012 he is member and coordinator of the Viennese non-profit art space Schneiderei (http://seeyounextthursday.comhttp://seeyounextthursday.com). Obermair is co-editor (with E. Shaipiro-Obermair) of “Das Große Moskau, das es niemals gab” (The Big Moscow that has never existed. 2008, Vienna: Schlebrügge), which examines the position of constructivist architecture in today´s Moscow.


WEST BALKAN CALLING is an Artist-in-Residence Exchange Programme between 6 art institutions based in Southeast Europe and 5 art institutions in Austria, taking place in 2016. The project is organized by < rotor > center for contemporary art Graz (Austria) in collaboration with press to exit project space (Skopje, Macedonia), T.I.C.A. – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (Tirana, Albania), Public ROOM (Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina) Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art (Prishtina, Kosovo), Art Research Center 42° (Cetinje, Montenegro), Kontekst Collective / Zadruga Oktobar (Belgrade, Serbia), Cultural City Network (Graz, Austria), lend|hauer (Klagenfurt, Austria), AIR–ARTIST IN RESIDENCE (Krems, Austria), Atelierhaus Salzamt (Linz, Austria) and Kunsthalle Exnergasse (Vienna, Austria).
