Hey, what do we have to lose? The Artistic Process between Activism and Archival

Exhibition | Hey, what do we have to lose? The Artistic Process between Activism and Archival | organised by press to exit project space as part of the  European project Collective Domain of Cultural Memory (CDCM) | July, 2020

The exhibition "Hey, what do we have to lose? The Artistic Process between Activism and Archival" is the final program component of the annual curated program" (Un) Disciplined: Building an Archive ", produced by the Press to Exit Project Space in the context of the international project" Collective Domain of Cultural Memory ".

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of this year and the restrictions on travel and movement and the organization of public events, we have decided the final exhibition, which was scheduled to open on April 10 and last until May 31, 2020. instead of being canceled or postponed, to be presented in digital format. The completed works and proposals by the artists were digitally placed in the virtual space that corresponded to the location provided for the exhibition - the modernist building of the Hydrometeorological Administration of RN Macedonia in Skopje. Hence, it is produced for the Internet space, presented virtually in coordination with artists and program partners.

For more information you can visit the page www.cdcm.eu

The exhibited works involve artistic research in an interdisciplinary manner that deals with the politics of forgetting, manipulating memory depending on current political and ideological needs. In addition to referring to the present, they are consequently related to notions experienced through narratives, memories, artifacts, and documents - historical testimonies of the past. The focus of the artistic research is the lost modernist heritage erased as a result of the expansion of Skopje 2014, a governmental project that reflects the nationalistic, authoritarian regime, populism, and hegemony.

